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Truly, is there a better stitch to describe structure of a snowflake than a “puff”? Puffy, fluffy white puff falling from the sky automatically associates with something delicate and coziness, as well as a hint of magic.
Thus, here is a tutorial aiming to assemble in crochet this aspect of a puffy snowflake. If you are looking for a thin, etherial snowflake pattern, definitely see our free step by step video tutorial.
Learn how to crochet these darling snowflake ornaments! They look much more complicated than they really are. Only 4 rounds. Quite easy and they are a breeze to whip up! Make them for gifts, attach them to other gifts or simply crochet some up for friends and family. You can attach a monofilament (fishing line) hanger to hang from your Christmas tree.
How to crochet a puffy snowflake
In this video I will teach you how to crochet an easy snowflake for lots of different uses. Snowflake ornaments, Garlands, Holiday coasters, Decoration, And so much more! Comment and tell me what you will use your snow flakes for! :)
For the written pattern WITH PHOTO you can find it at my Etsy shop HERE.
Learn how to crochet these darling snowflake ornaments! They look much more complicated than they really are. Only 4 rounds. Quite easy and they are a breeze to whip up! Make them for gifts, attach them to other gifts or simply crochet some up for friends and family. You can attach a monofilament (fishing line) hanger to hang from your Christmas tree.
You can use any yarn and any suitable hook for your yarn.
I buyed my crochet hooks from here . For US buyer you can find them

And my cute little scissors from . For US buyer you can find this here

You can find here some assorted Starter Crochet Kit Yarn Bulk like this one: / For US buyer click here :

For mine I used 3 ply acrylic yarn and the 2.5mm crochet hook.
Make a slip knot
Do 6 chain stitch CH
Create a ring by doing a slip stitch in first chain
Row 1 - chain 3 and do a puff stitch. Do 3 chains CH then do another puff stitch
Repeat until you have 6 puff stitches
To complete row 1, do 3 chains then do a slip stitch on the top off first puff stitch
ROW 2 - chain 3 and do 1 puff stitch in first space. Chain 2 then do another puff stitch in same space. Chain 5 and move to the next space and place 2 puff stitches separated by 2 chains. Repeat until you obtain 12 puff stitches on the row.
To complete row 2 do 5 chains CH then do a slip stitch on top of first puff stitch.
ROW 3. In first small space do 4 double crochet DC (UK - 4 treble TR ) . Do 3 chain CH then in same space do another 4 double crochet DC (UK - 4 treble TR ). In the large space, in third chain do 1 single crochet SC (UK - 1 double crochet DC ). Repeat until the end of row.
Complete row 3 with a single crochet (UK - 1 double crochet DC ) in third chain of the last large space
ROW 4. On top of first 4 stitches do 1 single crochet SC (UK - 1 double crochet DC ) . In the small spaces will do ruffles, 4 in each one. To do a ruffle will do a single crochet (UK - 1 double crochet DC ) in this space, chain 6 then do another single crochet (UK - 1 double crochet DC ) in same space. Repeat until obtain 4 ruffles in same space.
Do a single crochet (UK - 1 double crochet DC ) in next 9 chains until next space. Repeat until end of row
Finish the snowflake with a slip stitch
Hide the end of yarn
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Please, have a fun time crocheting and always feel free to share your opinion with me.