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DIY embossing invitation /Invitatie embosata

Butterfly Craft DIY

Updated: Aug 30, 2021


Today I want to present you my most popular format for baptism/ chritening invitations. In 6 years of my business activity, I think I made thousand of invitations in this format, with different variations and designs. You can use them for wedding, for christening or for anniversary party. You can find the tutorial here, on our Youtube channel.


Astazi va prezint cel mai vandut format de invitatie pe care l-am realizat. De-a lungul celor 6 ani de activitate am realizat zeci de modele folosind acelasi format, schimband doar modelul embosat si grafica din interior. Puteti gasi tutorialul pas cu pas aici pe canalul meu Youtube.

Below you can find a list of materials and tools with the links from where I buy them (just click on photo) :

In continuare puteti gasi o lista cu materialele folosite impreuna cu link.urile de unde le-am cumparat ( pentru link click pe fotografia cu produsul care va intereseaza): - pink paper card for embossing / carton roz

- yellow paper card for embossing / carton galben

- blue paper card for embossing / carton albastru

- red paper card for embossing / carton rosu

- purple paper card for embossing (true color is in picture from right) / carton mov - lila (culoarea adevarata este in imagine din dreapta)

- fuchsia paper card for embossing (true color is in picture from right) / carton roz puternic (culoarea adevarata este in imagine din dreapta)

- white textured paper card for printing invitation, I use this paper for 80% of my invitations/ carton alb texturat, eu folosesc acest carton pentru aproximativ 80% din invitatiile mele

- guillotine for cutting paper / ghilotina pentru taierea hartiei

- white 250 GSM card for butterflies / carton texturat pentru fluturi

- scoring board

- butterfly punch / perforator fluturasi

- punch for trimming corner / perforator pentru rotunjirea colturilor

- cutting matt with guide for gluing butterflies in the middle of envelopes /covoras pentru taiere cu ghidaj pentru lipirea fluturilor in mijlocul plicurilor

-embossing machine / masina pentru embosat si decupat

- embossing folder / placi pentru embosare * damask 1

* damask 2

* damask 3

* for more models check the link / pentru mai multe modele accesati link.ul -glue gun / pistol pentru lipit

- hot glue sticks / batoane silicon pentru pistolul de lipit

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission with NO extra cost for you if you click a link and purchase something that we recommended. Links are very welcome! Thank you! Pinning is welcome if you retain the link to my site. If you pin my image, you must keep the original link as is, and you may not alter my images in any way. Do not download my images and upload them to Pinterest yourself. Thank you! It is NOT OK for you to copy and republish my posts, in part or whole. It is NOT OK to re-upload my printable files to any other server.


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